Daddeldienstag: “Ethan Haas was right”
Hier was extremes fuer die ambitionierten Kniffler, aber wirklich nur fuer die, denn das Ding ist sauschwer.
Janz wichtig…auf der Startseite auf NO druecken sonst koemmt ihr woanders raus.
Und damit man zumindest einen Einstieg findet, hier mal der Beschreibungstext der einzelnen Puzzles:
• The first lock will test your memory. Follow the trail of light and sound, but be careful — one wrong move will send you back to the beginning.
• For the second lock, you may need to look to the stars. They will help you find HAAS who will lead your way.
• The third lock will require you to extinguish all lights but one. Only with one light remaining will you be able to proceed.
• The fourth lock will let you move all 4 pieces through the control of one. However, unless the three key pieces are simultaneously placed into position, you will not be granted access.
• The fifth lock will be the toughest. Seek help again from the stars to reveal your key and the message that you must decode. The two working together will open the way.