Freitags-Eyecandy: ROY
Joseph Fifelski hat da was sehr sehr Schoenes im Sci-Fi Bereich produziert, das geht einem ganz schoen ins Herz mit dichten Bildern und der Atmo, das muss ich einfach hier reinpacken:
Roy is a sci-fi drama short film about a robot mechanic holed away in a rundown barn, living in a world of rustic antiques melded with futuristic sensibilities. He is a man forgotten by society and spends his days tinkering at projects. That is until someone opens the door into his shop.
Roy is a story about compassion in the face of those affected by violence and despair. It explores the themes of how we relate to strangers and friends around us who have become bitter and jaded by the world.
Roy poses this question: how do we face those transformed by violence and angry at the world?
December 1st, 2021 at 05:55
Whoa. Aber wirklich straight to the heart!