Daddeldienstag: Deleveled (Demo)
Mach ich ja eher selten dass ich Demos hier auf der Weide vorstelle, die muessen dann schon wirklich Bumms haben und selbstverfreilich absolut meinen Geschmack abbilden.
Toasterfuel hat mich da so richtich gekriegt, er hat einen unfassbar smoothen physikbasierten Puzzle-Platformer in Unity rausgecoded welcher sich in jeglicher Hinsicht sehen lassen kann:
Deleveled is a physics-based puzzle-platformer that gives you simultaneous control over two squares that fall in opposite directions.
Neither square can jump on command but they can exchange their momentum through common surfaces.
Each level has eight switches that must all be turned on and can only be activated in pairs. You’ll have to think both upside down and right-side up as you carefully make your way through ten different worlds, each with its own twists.
The demo gives a small taste of the full game. If you enjoyed the demo, please do consider wishlisting on Steam.