Daddeldienstag: The Cow flew over the Moon

Da ihr ja schon bemerkt habt dass mein Daddelfocus eher auf ungewoehnlichen Games von kleinen Entwicklern liegt und ich scheinbar immer noch Myst-Verseucht bin watt Raeume und so angeht, hat mir da Jonny einen zu Pass gegeben.
Insofern gaebs heut mal wieder ein tiefenentspanntes Indie-Puzzle-Dingens in Unity, das was Jonny Wallace da zusammengebastlet hat lass ich ihn lieber in eigenen Worten sagen:


Cow Flew Over is a first person experimental adventure game driven by its narrative and level design, both of which have been based on the stimulus of dream interpretation.
CFO focuses on its atmosphere and explorative gameplay mechanics to tell a mature and vague narrative, left open to the player’s imagination and interpretation of events.
By only giving half the story through the level progression and leaving the rest for the player to piece together by inspecting and interacting with the environment, CFO aims to be a short 15 minute adventure game taking inspiration from cult TV shows such as The Twilight Zone.

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