Archive for January 31st, 2025

Freitags-Eyecandy: O.C.D.

geschrieben am 31. January 2025 um 11:17 Uhr

Heut haett ich was von Luca Pizzoleo fuer euch auf die Aeuglein, fuer mich isses schwierig diese Condition humorvoll zu nehmen, wenn man da 30 Jahre mit beschaeftigt ist (nicht ich) kann man froh sein dass es vorbei ist denn das ist fuer einen potentiellen Partner (mich) unertraeglich. Zumindest ist der Protagonist in der Lage zu kommunizieren.
Nichtsdestotrotz, das Dings is jut gemacht:


A neurotic delivery driver named Owen battles his OCD at a local convenience store while his TikToker girlfriend plans an exposure therapy dinner date at home. But when she helps him resist his compulsion, it subsequently triggers the apocalypse.

O.C.D. was a collaborative effort between writer Conor Patrick Walsh and director Luca Pizzoleo, created to authentically represent OCD. Drawing from their own struggles with OCD and anxiety, shedding light on what it’s like to live with the condition through a humorous lens.

Its nuthin´u can do. U fucked up.